Round #1: Tricky Trivia
Winning Team(s): pedantic penguin
Round #2: What's The Connection?
Winning Team(s): bootleg vern's pizza, bruce, death by clue clue, pedantic penguin
Round #3: Plant-Based Puzzlers
Winning Team(s): pedantic penguin, quizzy mcguire, the drab alpacas
Round #4: Get The Picture: Celebrity Brands
Winning Team(s): bootleg vern's pizza, bruce, Daddy's Home, death by clue clue, hootie and the bill boys, my worlds on fire, how bout yours?, pedantic penguin, silly geese, the adorable frogs, the drab alpacas, tremendous trio, wishing you a merry witchmas
Round #5: Name the... Musical?
Winning Team(s): Daddy's Home, pedantic penguin